Last updated: 09-29-2022
Branch Trademark List*
A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that indicates the source of the goods or services. Also, as a trade dress, it can be the appearance of a product or its packaging, including size, shape, color, texture, graphics, and appearance (e.g., a website).
The following is a non-exhaustive list of Branch’s trademarks and service marks.
When using the marks in publications that will be distributed only in the United States, include the appropriate trademark symbol (e.g. ™or ®) on first use. For publications that will be distributed outside the United States, use the appropriate trademark attribution notice, for example: Branch is a trademark of Branch Metrics, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The list also includes a suggested generic term for each trademark. For all publications, include an appropriate generic term after the trademark the first time it appears. Thereafter, the generic term should appear frequently with the trademark. (These generic terms are only suggestions, and there may be other words that are equally appropriate.)
For information on how to use Branch’s trademarks, refer to the Brand Guidelines section titled, “Guidelines for using Branch Trademarks”.
The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Branch’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.
Branch’s trademarks | Generic terms |
BranchⓇ | Deep linking, attribution analytics, app search, etc. |
Branch MetricsⓇ | Deep linking, attribution analytics, app search, etc. |
Branch logo | |
Branch badge logo | |
JourneysⓇ | Smart banners |
DeepviewsⓇ | Auto-generated app previews |
Navigator™ | App search tool |
NativeLink™ | On-device deferred deep linking solution |
Branch Discovery™ | App search tool |
SafeTrack™ | Platform privacy policy compliance protocol |
TrueView™ | Single-source-of-truth customer analytics dashboard |
If a product or service name is not listed under Branch’s Trademarks, it should not be followed by a ™or ® notation and should not be included in credit lines. However, if a product or service name includes “Branch” or another Branch mark listed in this trademark list, apply the correct trademark symbol (™or ®) to that portion of the name for U.S. publications only. In addition, all Branch trademarks need to be given the correct attribution in the credit section of all U.S. and international publications.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the list, please contact Branch.
*This is a non-exhaustive list of Branch trademarks in the United States.