Choosing a mobile linking and attribution platform

Power deep linking at scale and make better investment decisions with deduplicated, accurate attribution for paid, owned, and earned channels in one place.

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Branch is a true mobile linking and attribution platform that enables brands to build and execute an informed multi-channel strategy — from owned to organic to paid — all while improving quality of life for our customers.

The Branch Difference

Increase team efficiency

Easily deploy and scale deep linking and campaign measurement across all marketing channels.

Deliver better experiences

Route users where you want them to go, regardless of their platform or device, reliably and always.

Make smarter investments

Increase ROI with accurate insight into omni-channel campaigns, without running privacy risks.

And that’s just the beginning.

Here are six vital criteria that enterprises should expect from a mobile linking and attribution platform.

1. Go beyond install attribution data

Engagement doesn’t stop at install. Why should your measurement? Traditional mobile measurement partners (MMPs) often reinforce this mindset with install-centric or conversion pricing structures that prioritize high-volume user acquisition without necessarily considering long-term engagement and retention. Yet, what happens after install is more important.  Post-install attribution data is key to inform engagement strategies, as well as other activities designed to maximize user lifetime value (LTV) and drive sustained revenue growth.

What you need to retain customers:

  • Tools and expertise that demystify the new world of paid attribution.
  • Precise tracking of performance and outcomes to reengage users and grow revenue.
  • Last-touch attribution by default, so reporting is free from systemic bias toward any specific channel or source.
  • User opt-in deterministic and aggregated privacy-centric data.

2. Enterprise-grade solutions for complex businesses

Branch’s powerful deep links can generate a lot of value for your organization, but tapping into their full potential means scaling deep linked campaigns across platforms and channels. In working with many of the largest apps in the world, we understand that it can be difficult to consistently build, deploy, and manage high volumes of links across every channel and team member. Consequently, larger organizations often face a lot of manual work, spreadsheets, and troubleshooting.

What you need as an enterprise:

  • Ability to deploy deep linking and attribution at scale without worrying that the system will get overloaded or fail.
  • Real-time, reliable information about the status of the service platform and potential disruptions.
  • Linking and measurement support for all platforms, including iOS and Android for mobile as well as desktop and OTT/CTV devices.
  • Standardization across multiple apps with organization-level app management.
  • Freedom to track as many conversion events as necessary to prove business value, without invoice spikes, thanks to predictable MAU-based pricing.

3. Cross-channel, unified measurement to build authentic connections

Our goal is to help you create authentic connections and engagement with your customers through amazing user experiences, and give you the data you need to make better business decisions. We don’t exist to sell retargeting data and won’t charge you more just because you drive more conversions. We care about the same thing you do: happy, engaged, retained users.

What you need to create authentic connections with customers:

  • Simple, one-time setup with seamless integrations to plug into your marketing, product, and data stacks.
  • Standardized, deduplicated data for all channels in one place to see what really drove customers to convert
  • Cohort analysis for apples-to-apple comparisons for every marketing campaigns
  • Configurable attribution windows down to the individual link level
  • SEO app attribution so you can look beyond web traffic to attribute app events like opens, installs, purchases back to SEO

4. Privacy-first SKAdNetwork support and expertise

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple’s attribution framework on iOS, providing accurate attribution data to help marketers understand and refine mobile ad campaigns. By performing attribution on-device without user-level identifiers, SKAdNetwork provides accurate, high-level advertising metrics without compromising users’ privacy.

What you need to be successful with SKAN:

  • Deduplicated SKAdNetwork and user-level attribution data
  • Ability to collect SKAdNetwork direct postbacks
  • Seamless integration with Branch’s SDK and customized recommendations with SKAN Magic Set Up
  • Export SKAdNetwork data to your internal systems
  • Track and record changes to your SKAdNetwork configuration
  • Centralized SKAdNetwork data with our partner integrations
  • SKAdNetwork data access for agencies

5. Experience complete data freedom

Data any time, any way, to any system you choose. Branch offers an industry-leading selection of API options. These options programmatically export data and allow brands to gain insight into both user acquisition and reengagement within their apps. Custom Export API, Scheduled Log Exports API, Query API, Aggregate API, Webhooks, and Data Integrations are all available.

What you need for data freedom:

  • Real-time event callbacks for any purpose
  • Export data with a powerful suite of APIs, including log-level and aggregate
  • Test API calls directly from the Reference page for convenient debugging
  • Streamlined, easy-to-consume API detail structures
  • Clearly defined API parameters, allowing you to send API requests on any page utilizing your Branch data

6. Communicate the perfect message to the ideal customer at the right moment

Boost engagement, drive incremental revenue, win back inactive users, and stop paying for customers you already have. Branch enables you to build custom audiences to find customers that drive the highest return on ad spend without compromising privacy.

What you need to create custom audiences:

  • Precision retargeting of high-value active users to eliminate wasted spend in your acquisition campaigns by excluding existing customers
  • The ability to build audiences based on specific criteria, including advertising exposure across multiple ad networks, app and web interactions through owned and earned marketing channels, past purchases, in-app behavior, and more.
  • Less manual work by automatically uploading audiences to selected advertising platforms.
  • Privacy-conscious targeting that respects user choice by automatically excluding users who opt out of ads personalization via platform-level privacy frameworks.
  • Rules-based engagement groups to use in targeted campaigns.

Ready to optimize your digital customer experiences?

Why Branch?

Unlock exceptional mobile experiences with Branch's mobile linking and measurement solutions. Enhance app growth, engagement, and more.

Dive Into Deep Linking With Branch

Discover the power of deep linking with Branch's comprehensive guide. Learn best practices and maximize your mobile growth initiatives.